A Division of Jorgenson Industrial Companies
Mon. - Fri., 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM CST.

Why Buy Used Lockers?

In the market for lockers as a storage solution, but on a budget? Buying used lockers is a great solution! They will provide you with all the storage and security you need, at a much lower price than purchasing new.

Find the Storage Solutions You Need at BuyUsedLockers.com

An example of the types of used lockers we have in our inventory.

Our site is full of used, new, and surplus lockers just waiting for a new home. Some of the benefits of buying them specifically from us include:

  • Savings of anywhere between 25-50% in comparison to purchasing new.
  • Previously owned lockers are already assembled, thereby saving you any extra assembly fees (or the hassle of having to put them together yourself).
  • Purchasing old lockers is an eco-friendly decision. It keeps them out of the landfill and additionally saves the energy and resources that go into producing new units.
  • Spending less gives you the ability to purchase more lockers so you can meet all of your storage needs.
  • Quicker lead times. Buying used can be a faster and more flexible option in order to meet installation deadlines (producing new lockers can take 4-6 weeks or longer depending on the current state of the economy).

Purchasing used lockers doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice on quality or selection. We have two warehouses full of used and surplus lockers in a variety of colors, sizes, and styles. Many of the items we have in stock have minimal damage, and in fact, many are in nearly new condition. If any repairs are needed, we have a unique multi-point inspection and repair process that helps bring them back to their original high-quality condition.

If you have questions or need assistance picking out the perfect lockers for your specific needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us! Our sales staff is ready to help. You can call, email, or request a quote online.