A Division of Jorgenson Industrial Companies
Mon. - Fri., 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM CST.

Used Box Lockers

For businesses with little floor space and a lot of storage space needed for staff, we highly recommend our used box lockers. Styles range from 3 compartments per single column on up to 6 compartments per column. Each is made of solid steel which, though used, still has years of use left to it. So whether you have a small group of personnel or a warehouse full of staff, we can help you get the right amount of storage.

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Employee Lockers for Sale

These are definitely our best sellers and most popular offerings that we have. The durability paired with being able to serve multiple people (and thereby stretch your budget further) cannot be beaten. So if you find the ideal lockers for your facility, give us a call or fill out one of our quote forms so we can send you your lockers as quickly as possible. Most of these come from other businesses and schools, often times when they are still relatively new.

Employee lockers help reduce retail theft as well as helps prevent workers from having their personal belongings stolen. Cell phones, coats, wallets, jackets, and bags can all be stored in the locker room, away from the work area, to keep distractions to a minimum during the shift. If you have any further questions about finding the best cheap employee lockers, feel free to give us a call at 1-877-952-0151. Likewise, if you can’t find the right lockers, or yours are currently out of stock, we can also help you find a suitable replacement style.