A Division of Jorgenson Industrial Companies
Mon. - Fri., 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM CST.

Refurbished Gym Lockers

Stock #:

6M181672XDW Burnt Orange Debourgh Wyoming

Price: Call For Pricing! 1-877-952-0151

Mixed Tier




T - 33


These Heavy Duty locker room lockers have been refurbished and work as good as new, but cost a lot less. They are ideal for locker rooms because they are welded, made of 14 gage metal and very strong. The doors also include ventilation holes that promote air flow helping keep locker contents dry and odors at bay. Each group has 2 compartments that are 9″ wide x 16″ deep x 54″ high and 21 compartments that are 18″ wide x 16″ deep x 9″ high.  Each compartment can be locked with a padlock keeping contents safe and secure.

We have 11 groups of 3 columns wide.  Each group weighs 330 lbs.