A Division of Jorgenson Industrial Companies
Mon. - Fri., 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM CST.

Used Double Tier Lockers

Our double lockers are a highly popular choice among our customers and for this reason, they rarely stick around our inventory for long. The main advantage of this style is you can save twice the floor space per compartment when compared to traditional, single tier compartments. Double tier columns are frequently utilized as school lockers because they make it easy for users to share a single locker without too much interference.

It’s not hard to see why many people prefer double lockers, they offer plenty of versatility and are a great way to provide spacious, top and bottom storage to employees, students and customers. You won’t miss out on much by choosing double tier as they feature interior hooks, a hat shelf in each and can be modified with additional shelves if you desire more organization. Some single users also choose to use both the top and bottom compartments, while simply using the center divider as a shelf.

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Many schools choose our double tier in order to make the most of narrow and small spaces like hallways, staff rooms and locker rooms. We offer an ample selection of used school lockers that are still in great working shape and are perfectly reusable in schools or businesses with tight budgets. As with all of our styles, our double lockers are available in many colors and sizes. We also carry a selection of gym lockers with ventilated doors, wood and plastic lockers and heavy-duty, welded styles. If saving floor space while keeping adequate storage are both priorities for your facility—then we highly recommend the flexibility of our efficient, double tier lockers.